Payne on Politics
Each week Dr. Payne interviews some of the leading academics, experts, and practitioners in the realm of politics, public opinion, and global affairs. He is the Co-Director of the Emerson Blanquerna Center for Global Communication and received an “Honoris Causa” from the Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations, University of Ramon Llull in Barcelona. Dr. Payne has taught at Yale and Tufts University as well as Occidental College. He has also received his B.A, M.A. and Ph.D at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and his MPA from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He is the co-author of Tom Bradley: The Impossible Dream, Mayday: Kent State, the play Kent State: A Requiem, and has authored academic and popular articles and book chapters for publications worldwide. After writing the first dissertation on the shootings at Kent State at Illinois, he is a noted expert on the May 1970 tragedy and its aftermath. He directed three, global conferences on Celebrity/Spectacle on the aftermath of the death of Princess Diana, and has continued to highlight this issue in politics as well as the infatuation with the British Royal Family. He is on the Advisory board of the Journal of Health Communication, Tripidos, American Behavioral Scientist, Media Ethics, Journal of Promotion Management, among others. Dr. Payne has served as Editor for American Behavioral Scientist’s special edition on the U.S. presidential campaign for every election since l988. He is past President of the International Academy of Business Disciplines, past chair of the Political Communication Division of the National Communication Association, Executive Advisory Board member of the Global Communication Project, and the Academic Director of the global Team Harmony Project dedicated to eradicating hate. Payne has directed numerous global public diplomacy projects for governments, corporations, NGOs and community groups. He is the co-founder of the Saudi American Exchange, the first grassroots, people-to-people public diplomacy effort in the wake of 9/11, honored at the inaugural Clinton Global Initiative and the Middle East Public Relations Association. Payne has served as speechwriter for Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, Senator Robert Dole, Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, former Boston Mayor Ray Flynn, Queen Noor of Jordan, Prince Faisal of Saudi Arabia, as well as numerous CEO’s and heads of organizations internationally. He has consulted with the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Department of Treasury, City of Boston, City of Los Angeles, National Republican Institute, National Institute of Health, Atomic Energy Commission and U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), Bechtel, Fidelity Investments, Watson Pharmaceuticals, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Formula One, among others.Dr. Payne received the Robert F. Kennedy Award for Public Service, the first University of Illinois’ Speech Communication Alumni Award, the NCA Humanitarian Award, honors from the US Treasury, UNICEF, Formula One Racing, Friends of the Majestic Theatre, and the President’s Award, and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Association of Business Disciplines. He received grants from the U.S. State Department and the National Republican Institute, among others. He is a Schweitzer Fellow in health communication.
71 episodes
Prof. Ken Grout of Emerson College discusses the Southwick Recital Tradition and the Upcoming Oscars

Cultural Bridges in Education: Prof. Franklin-Lyons Discusses the Emerson-Blanquerna Summit
In this episode of Payne on Politics, host Greg Payne sits down with the Emerson College Professor Adam Franklin-Lyons for an in-depth discussion about the Emerson-Blanquerna 9th Annual Global Summit, a remarkable event set against the awe-insp...

Neil Harris & Niko Emack, Challenges for Black Male Educators in Public Schools
One of the biggest challenges today in education is the shortage of Black males in public school education. Explore the day-to-day challenges for Black male teachers who oftentimes are the only prevalent male figure for at risk youth in the pub...

Amelia Semprebon, Emerson Alum Shares Why She Choose to do the Rosarito Public Diplomacy Program 3x

Successful Campaign - Emerson College Poli Comm Major Trey Fuccillo: Building the Plane While Flying It
Trey Fuccillo is an Emerson College junior studying Political Communication with minors in Pre-Law and Philosophy. He’s a lifelong resident of Marlborough, Massachusetts, and was recently elected their newest Ward 6 City Councilor. Prior...

Spencer Kimball, Emerson Polling, Recap of Recent Elections and Discussing the Road to the White House

Danell Tomasella, Legacy of Communication Studies from 21 Commonwealth to Now
Danell is an Emerson College alum and former professor in the Communication Studies department. Tune in to hear Danell share what Emerson means to her, and how the Communication Studies department continues to enrich the tradition of being the ...

Geoffrey Parish, Emerson Alum '97, Joins for the Public Diplomacy Speaker Series
Geoffrey Parish graduated Emerson with a BA in Political Communication and an MBA from Cambridge University in England. Geoff is the Senior Commercial Officer at the U.S. Consulate –Hong Kong & M...

Lu Ann Reeb, Emmy Award-winning television executive producer & Emerson College Chair of Journalism
Twice an Emmy Award-winning television executive producer, Lu Ann Reeb, Emerson College Chair of Journalism, is a longtime broadcast journalist and an entrepreneur, who has launched online media companies. Reeb is founder of Boston Media Group,...

Ashley Osmecki, Class of 2023 - PR, Digital Storytelling, and Global Experiences at Emerson College
Ashley Osmecki is one of the many talented students graduating as part of the class of '23 and officially becoming a member of the Emerson Mafia! From Rosarito, Mexico, to shedding tears of joy in the FC Barca stadium - Camp Nou, Ashley h...

Basia Stachurska, Emerson Public Relations Student and VP of Brand Engagement of PRSSA
Emerson student participant for the Barcelona Spring Break Workshop 2023Vice President of Brand Engagement for Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)Content Creator and Assistant Producer for Post Grad Cheat S...

John Filo, Pulitzer Prize Winner Shares Story of Iconic Photo from Kent State May 4,1970
An emotional and historic account of a story etched in the souls of many due to John's iconic photo of 14 year old Mary Vecchio over the Body of Jeffery Miller. John re-accounts his steps on Kent State's campus as a student whose iconic photo -...

Matt Shearer, Emerson '09 and Award-Wnning Reporter for WBZ NewsRadio
Matt Shearer graduated from Emerson in 2009 and quickly became a well-known local media personality. As an award-winning Reporter for WBZ NewsRadio, he's carved out a niche for highlighting the distinct people and places that make New England s...

Emily Quinn, Immersive Emerson Experience in Political Communication - Iowa Caucus, NH, and More

Oliver Rick, Co-Author of Global Sports and Contemporary China: Sport Policy, International Relations, and New Class Identities in the People’s Republic
Oliver Rick recently released a new book with co-author Dr. Longxi Li —Global Sports and Contemporary China: Sport Policy, International Relations, and New Class Identities in the People’s Republic. This book examines the for...

Warren Backman, Sports Communication and Emerson College Soccer
Warren Backman is an Emerson College alum and graduate of the Sports Communication program. Warren has a passion for college athletics which in many ways was cemented by his time playing soccer at Emerson College. Tune in to hear Warren discuss...

Kevin Mercuri, Public Relations and the Emerson College Tradition
Kevin Mercuri is CEO of Propheta Communications, an NYC-based PR marketing, and social media agency. Tune in to hear about the professional expertise of Kevin along with stories from the history of collaboration with Dr. Payne.Kevin beg...